Holy Cross Convent School is proud of you for being its partners in our children's education. We are happy that you too realized the importance of quality-education which requires better formation of your wards. For any kind of formation to take a proper form or shape we should have a definite goal. While talking about goals in life Dr. Abdul Kalam says that we all should have very big dreams for our life. Dreams he says, are not the ones that come to us while we sleep but they are those that do not allow us to sleep. Dear parents, it is an interesting question to ask ourselves whether we have any dreams for us and for our children.
Once a visitor to a family asked this question to the mother of the family "How old are your children?" If we are asked the same question what will be our answer? We will surely say that chinku is five and pinku is three. But that mother had a creative response. She said, "The Doctor if five and Lawyer is three". The mother's response was very spontaneous and interesting because she already had a dream for her children. What about us? Do we also have a dream for our children? Do we look at them according to our dreams?
When our children leave the house for school how many of us feel that a doctor or a lawyer is going for study. Being the primary formatters, besides the 'love' we give, we also should help the children to discipline themselves. We should send them to the school neat and clean and make them present there on time. Unless for very serious reasons, we should never take them away during school hour.
There is an old dictum that a barber will give you a good hair-cut only if you sit properly and not otherwise. It is said that if a tailor makes a mistake it is called a fashion and of a barber makes a mistake it is a new style but if a teacher makes a mistake we always point out finger at him/her. Therefore dear parents help our teachers not to make any mistake in forming your wards to achieve their goals of life.